Monday, March 7, 2011

Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic Neuroma
                An acoustic neuroma affects hearing and balance.  It is a benign tumor that grows on the 8th cranial nerve.  They normally develop slowly and only affect one side of the head.  If there is an acoustic neuroma present on both sides of the head, it is called neurofibromatosis type 2, which causes tumors to develop and affect the nervous system.
                Ear, nose and throat doctors usually run several tests to diagnose an acoustic neuroma.  MRI is the best detailed test to diagnosis acoustic neuromas.  The test uses gadolinium to better see tumors in the head. Other tests the ENT might try are Brainstem auditory evoked response, CT, and an Audiometry or hearing test. 
                Treatment includes observation to watch the growing of tumors, surgery to remove a large tumor or possibly stereotactic radiosurgery which gives radiation to the tumor to stop growth.

 T1 weighted MRI image with gadolinium

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